Said "Domino's Pizza. May I take your order. " He cleared his throat and tried to sound hoarse. "Yes I'd like to order four of your large supremes. " "Is that all?" "Yes. Need them delivered at noon. " "Your name?" "I'm ordering them for Detective Klickman North Precinct. " "Delivered where?" "North Precinct-3633 Alien Road. Just ask for Klickman. " "We've been there before believe me. Phone number?".
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A couple of minutes we ran softly alongside the bank and the sail was silently lowered. The Chinese kept very quiet. Yellow Handkerchief sat down in the bottom alongside of me and I could feel him straining to repress his raspy hacking cough. Possibly seven or eight minutes later I heard Charley's voice as the Reindeer went past the mouth of the slough. "I can't tell you how relieved I am " I could plainly hear him saying to Neil "that the lad has finished with the fish patrol without accident. " Here Neil said something which I could not catch and then Charley's voice went on: "The youngster takes naturally to the water and if when he finishes high school he takes a course in navigation and goes deep sea I see no reason why he shouldn't rise to be master of the finest and biggest ship afloat. " It was all very flattering to me but lying there bound and gagged by my own prisoners with the voices growing faint and fainter as the Reindeer.
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